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Sri Lanka Tippler Pigeon Sets New National Record with 15 Hour Flight


Pigeon racing is a popular hobby in Sri Lanka, and the sport of endurance flying has gained popularity in recent years. The Tippler pigeons are known for their endurance and stamina, and two birds have recently set a new national record by flying for an impressive 15 hours.

The Tippler pigeon, owned by a well-known fancier 'Savanth Dilshan Fernando' in Sri Lanka, has been trained and prepared for endurance flying for several months. On the day of the flight, the bird was released early in the morning and flew continuously for 15 hours before returning home safely. This is a remarkable achievement and a new national record for Sri Lanka, as it showcases the capabilities of these birds.

The achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the fancier and the bird's training, as well as its physical condition and health. It is a proud moment for the Sri Lankan pigeon racing community and motivates other fanciers to strive for similar achievements.

In conclusion, endurance flying is gaining popularity in Sri Lanka, and the Tippler pigeons have proven their endurance and stamina. One bird has set a new national record by flying for an impressive 15 hours, which is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the fancier, and the capabilities of these birds. This achievement is an inspiration for other fanciers to strive for similar results and to promote the sport of endurance flying in Sri Lanka.

Pic credit - Kavindu Achinta


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